

通过合作, 咨询, 和学生的领导力, 教师, 工作人员, 管理员, 以及社区伙伴, the 包容与公平司 at 博天堂官方 is committed to fostering a community that empowers learners in their pursuits, 职业, 和目的, 同时推进博天堂官方的公平框架, 多样性, 和包容. 该部门 supports sustainable and strategic institutional efforts to engage all members of the community, while also intentionally advocating for and uplifting historically underrepresented 社区. 通过促进整个校园的社会正义和公平做法, the division's work strengthens 博天堂官方's commitment to excellent teaching, 活跃的奖学金, 公共服务, 从而丰富社会,促进积极的变化.

Arial shot of people standing in a circle with their hands touching each other in the center.
Jesse Bernal raising a fist of solidarity among many others at a Black Lives Matter protest.

的 包容与公平司 at 博天堂官方 shares in the university's vision of preparing globally minded citizens for the future they face and the 社区 they shape. 作为一种变革力量, the division leads the way in advancing 博天堂官方's goal of becoming a national model for 股本, 包容, 以及社会公正. 通过开拓, 创新, 以及动态领导, the division works tirelessly to create a culture of belonging and foster an environment where all members of the community can thrive. By centering 股本 和包容 in all of our academic and professional programs, we prepare students for a lifetime of continual learning and growth and contribute to a more just and equitable society.


博天堂官方的包容和公平框架 articulates the university’s understanding of 多样性, 股本, 和包容. It sets the stage for the next phase of our commitment to advance 多样性, 包容, 股本, 以及社会公正. Grand Valley believes that 股本 和包容 makes each member of our community better and is fundamental to what it means to be a Laker.

拉比·阿尔·穆塔, Student Senate VP of Diversity Affairs; Jessica Jennrich, Director of the Center for Women and Gender Equity; Jakia Marie, 综合与非裔美国人研究助理教授

A social justice and intersectional framework guides the strategic 部门的努力.  这个框架承认系统的 oppression and marginalization and aspects of power and privilege and 寻求教育和授权所有社区成员的工作 对股票.  这个框架也承认了大学的 place within systemic and institutionalized challenges for 股本 and 包容, but affirms our commitment and responsibility to strive for 转换. 师是在这个框架的指导下寻求一个 deeper understanding of complex intersecting social identities which 强调理解的全部维度的中心地位 identities and how these they dynamically interact with one another.  因此,我们的工作和教育是建立在教授和的基础上的 addressing interdependent systems of oppression and marginalization.

该部门的股权价值支持了大学的股权价值 “institutional commitment to acting with integrity, communicating 公开和诚实,操作透明和接受 对我们的言行负责”(大学合规) 办公室)和承诺,以确定和消除障碍 招收和保留不同的学生、教师和工作人员.  该部门 seeks to set high standards of professional ethics and 原则、期望和行动的一致性.  该部门 supports the university’s compliance with extensive and ever-changing 适用的联邦和州法律法规 不歧视,平权法案以及大学 政策.  该部门还确保了博天堂官方对平等的承诺 人人有机会消除和预防 基于年龄、血统、国籍、肤色、 familial or marital status, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, 性别,性别认同,性别表达,基因信息 (including family medical history), height, national origin, political affiliation, pregnancy, physical or mental disability, participation in the uniformed services, veteran status, or weight in admissions, access, and treatment in educational, athletic, social, cultural, or 其他大学课程、活动和就业. 公平的 practices and policies are designed to accommodate differences in the contexts of learning and working, particularly in light of historical 不利和边缘化因素. 在认真对待 the university’s legal obligations, we also understand that if we look at this approach as merely a compliance issue we will never achieve 我们在社区内的更大目标.  通过创建一个社区 fosters 多样性, rather than requires it, we hope to create a place 哪里的义务是有机地而不是通过联邦政府来履行的 授权.  因此,该部门接受一种超越合规的模式 recognizes compliance as a minimum standard for 股本 和包容 and strives to set a new bar for excellence and advocacy in these areas.

该部门 furthers the university’s commitment to student success 通过支持多元化和代表性不足的学生参与和 development as well as the recruitment, development, and retention of reflective, student-centered 教师 and 工作人员 who are prepared to 满足不同学生的需求.  它塑造了教育 鼓励高水平学习的实践和政策 personal development for marginalized and underrepresented students, 学生坚持,学生满意.  部门合伙人 with 教师, 工作人员, and the community to educate all students about power and privilege and works collaboratively to empower students from diverse 社区, and engages students in critical dialogue and 与校园气候和社会公正相关的编程.

Understanding that 股本 和包容 must be embedded across the university to effect institutional change, the division accomplishes its mission in part by establishing partnerships within the university 以及我们的外部社区.  因此,有效的公平和 包容 strategies are derived only through efforts that support 共同理解和共同责任.  在这些努力中, division prioritizes collaboration with academic and administrative 单位遍布校园,并进一步推动了大学的承诺 通过持续的教育、参与和 与学生、教师、职员和管理人员协商. Effective, authentic and genuine collaboration is modeled within the division.

博天堂官方’s success in advancing 股本 和包容 is due, in part, to the long-standing 多样性 champions within West 密歇根’s diverse 社区.  博天堂官方努力成为社区的一部分 希望社区也能参与其中.  它有这么深 understanding that the division is committed to creating reciprocal 以及互利的外部伙伴关系,特别是 历史上服务不足的社区.

该部门 seeks to advance the university’s culture of assessment and data-driven decision-making and is committed to implementing and innovating evidence-based practices that are supported by measurable outcomes that drive institutional actions and further the university’s 战略规划优先事项.  多样性、公平、包容和 社会正义不只是宗派内部的花言巧语,也不存在 博天堂官方.  实现公平需要一个持续的学习过程, disaggregating data, and questioning assumptions about relevance and 有效性.  我们致力于衡量和展示 institutional change through assessment and reporting and maintaining 高度的透明度和问责制.
